Tag Archives: genetics

Individualized Approach to Obesity Epidemic?

December 31, 2011


The future of treatment of severe obesity is in personalized medicine, which will take into consideration the individual’s DNA, combined with a personalized, in-depth understanding of physical fitness and clinical well-being, according to an article published this month in Translating Science. This type of personalized treatment is a radical shift from today’s treatment, which is […]

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Genetic Risks of Obesity Affected by Sleep?

November 6, 2011


sleep obesity

The findings of a study presented at the SLEEP 2011 Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies revealed that getting less shut-eye at night might increase the expression of genetic risks for obesity.  According to an article published by ScienceDaily, the study examined 1,811 sets of twins with an average age of 37 years old. […]

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Study Finds Some People are Better at “Tasting” Fat than Others

August 21, 2011


taste of fat

According to a study presented at the Institute of Food Technologists 2011 meeting, fat and fatty acids can be tasted, although they are mainly distinguished through smell and texture. Researchers at the New York Obesity Research Center found that people who are not able to “taste” the fat in foods are likely to over-eat these […]

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Master Gene’s Role in Fat Metabolism

May 18, 2011


master switch obesity diabetes

There are fascinating findings from a study in the United Kingdom examining how genetic mechanisms control fat metabolism. A study was published in Nature Genetics, and was part of a large multi-national collaboration involving researchers from King’s College London, University of Oxford, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, and the University of Geneva. The researchers examined […]

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Obesity May Shut Down Circadian Clock

April 28, 2011


obesity circadian rhythm

ScienceDaily has published an article about a new study highlighting a connection between obesity and malfunction of the body’s circadian clock. Researchers at the Georgia Health Sciences University in Augusta found that a master clock gene, which is in charge of regulating the cardiovascular system, does not fluctuate regularly in obese mice, as it does […]

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Lambs Provide Link in Understanding Obesity

April 12, 2011


lambs obesity

New research examining the hormones of lambs born to overweight sheep shed some light on whether human children born to obese mothers will become obese themselves. In this study, lambs present a better model than rodents because they are born at a more advanced level of maturity — equivalent to humans.  The study was conducted […]

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