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Diet and Exercise Changes are Not Enough

April 17, 2015


People who are obese know that long-term weight loss doesn’t come easy. Yet, often they are prescribed to simply make diet and exercise changes to treat their excess weight. Research has shown that obesity is much more complex than simply a matter of overeating and not moving enough—there are biological factors at work.  In an […]

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Effects of High Protein on Metabolism Not Permanent

March 3, 2015


High protein diets, such as Atkins or Ideal Protein Diet, are popular among dieters and muscle-builders, and research has suggested that the increased protein promotes fullness, and boosts metabolism. But at this year’s Obesity Week, a new study showed that while a high-protein diet is tied to a higher metabolism, including 45 percent more storage […]

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Obesity Blamed for 12,000 Cancer Cases Annually in UK

January 22, 2015


Most of us are aware that carrying excess weight can have serious consequences, such as increasing our risk of type 2 diabetes or heart disease. However, it is not as widely known that being overweight or obese has also been shown to increase the risk of several cancers. Now, the largest study of its kind […]

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Study Points to Low-Carb as Best Choice – or Does It?

November 11, 2014


For losing weight and lowering heart disease risk, a low-carbohydrate diet may work better than low-fat, a new study found. In this study, people on a low-carb diet reduced certain risk factors for cardiovascular disease and lost nearly three times as much weight as those on a low-fat diet. The people in the low-carb group were […]

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Visceral Fat and Hypertension

November 4, 2014


When we talk about obesity, we often speak of it in terms of body mass index – or BMI – which is a measure of “body fatness” that is calculated using height and weight. BMI is inexpensive to obtain and relatively simple to use, so it’s easy to see why it has become our main […]

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Could Bariatric Surgery Cure Food Addiction?

November 1, 2014


Have you heard of food addiction? It’s a topic that comes up in the news from time to time, with some people strongly supporting the concept that we can be addicted to food, and others believing that food cannot have the same attachment or need as a drug like cocaine. Is there such thing as […]

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Reduced Risk of Heart Disease with Gastric Bypass Surgery

October 2, 2014


Good news for obese people with type 2 diabetes: Gastric bypass surgery can help reduce the risk of heart disease, a new clinical trial shows. To compare the benefits of gastric bypass with lifestyle and medication modification, researchers recruited 38 obese patients (ages 21 through 65) who had at least one year of established diabetes, […]

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More Risks of a High Sugar Diet

September 23, 2014


When it comes to sugar in your diet, many of us feel we know all the facts – even if we eat more sugar than we know we ‘should’. We’ve all heard that excess amounts of sugar in our diets can lead to cavities, weight gain, and type 2 diabetes. However, there are other potentially serious […]

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Overeating: How it Affects Brown Fat Cells

June 25, 2014


When we hear about fat inside our bodies, we usually think about something unwanted. But generally the type of harmful fat fat we’re thinking of is “white fat”.  White fat stores calories. However, there’s another type of fat: brown fat. Brown fat is a “good” fat found in the bodies of mammals, which has a large […]

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Obesity May Harm the Brain, but Exercise Could Help

April 24, 2014


Many studies have shown that obesity is linked with serious health conditions and diseases. In addition to the ones most usually noted – diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea – obesity may hurt the brain itself. However, it’s possible that exercise may help counteract the negative brain effects, according to a new study conducted with mice.  It’s […]

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