Tag Archives: teens

Obese Teens Lacking Weight Loss Education

November 17, 2011


teen obesity

New research found that obese teens do not completely understand the relationship between exercise and weight loss. An analysis from the Philadelphia Youth Risk Behavioral Survey found that from a group of 44,000 teens, obese girls that were trying to lose weight were more likely than obese boys to participate in 60 minutes of activity […]

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Obese Teens No More Depressed than Peers?

May 30, 2011


teens weight depression relationship

HealthDay News posted about a recent study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, indicating that obese teens are not any more likely to be depressed than their normal weight peers. The research group consisted of 51 severely obese teens, ranging from 7th-12th grade and a similar group of non-obese teens. The obese teens had […]

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Heavy Teens at Risk of Heart Disease as Adults

April 16, 2011


dangers teen overweight

CNN posted an article this week about a new study finding that teenage boys who are overweight – even just slightly overweight – are at an increased risk of heart disease later in life. The study findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, indicate that even if these teenagers slimmed down as they […]

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Obese Teens Feel Healthy, but Blood Tests Show Otherwise

March 24, 2011


teen obesity tests

The American Heart Association (AHA) has released the findings from its most recent Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism/Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention Scientific Session. Researchers reported about a study examining the relationship between obesity and diet in teenagers, ages 11 through 19.  The study highlights that while obese teens may feel healthy, blood tests show […]

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