Tag Archives: children

Early Intervention Improves Infant Feeding Practices

November 11, 2011


baby eating

Poor infant feeding practices are one of the leading contributors to early onset of childhood obesity.  There is mounting evidence supporting the conclusion that breastfeeding is protective against childhood obesity. At the Obesity 2011 national meeting, new research was presented assessing the effectiveness of a home-based early intervention on infant feeding practices for infants in […]

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Obesity 2011: Obesity & Pregnancy

October 29, 2011


At the Obesity 2011 national meeting of The Obesity Society there was a scientific session underlining the importance of mothers maintaining a healthy weight prior to pregnancy, as well as during pregnancy and postpartum. Several interesting studies were presented with new findings on the implications of obesity on child-bearing. Dr. Alana Chock, expert bariatric surgeon […]

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Difficult to Reduce Kids’ TV Time

September 14, 2011


children television

A new report found that interventions aimed at reducing children’s television and video game time have been largely unsuccessful. The report looked at 13 large studies comprised of 3000 children total and found that the studies were overall unable to achieve weight loss and weight reduction. This is troubling news, considering that according to the […]

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Obese Children have Higher Prevalance of Psoriasis

July 16, 2011


obesity psoriasis

A Kaiser Permanente study finding that children a higher incidence of psoriasis is found in children who are overweight or obese. The study also indicates that teens with psoriasis, regardless of their body weight, have higher cholesterol levels.  Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease and the National Psoriasis Foundation estimates that this condition affects seven […]

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Remove Obese Children from their Parents’ Custody?

July 14, 2011


state intervention obesity

An editorial published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that severely obese children (defined as Body Mass Index at or greater than the 99th percentile) are at such a great risk for life threatening complications, that treatment such as surgical weight loss or state-intervention should be considered. The editorial argues […]

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Use Summer to Reset Children’s Habits

June 30, 2011


play outside

A new Institute of Medicine report outlines strategies to decrease the soaring childhood obesity rates in the United States. According to an article about the report, published by HealthDay News, the rates of overweight and obese children in the United States, ages 2 to 5, have doubled since the 1980s. Around 10 percent of children […]

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Children Who Sleep Less Weigh More

June 7, 2011


child sleep weight

A study published online in the British Medical Journal found that children who do not get adequate sleep are more likely to be overweight. According to ScienceDaily, researchers from New Zealand investigated the relationship between sleep and differences in body composition and the risk of becoming overweight in young children. They looked at 244 children […]

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Overweight Children a Product of Socioeconomic Status?

March 11, 2011


ScienceDaily posted an article this week reporting that nearly one in five children in Sweden is overweight. Researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Karolinska Institutet conducted the first national study examining obesity in school children. The study indicates that 17% of children in Sweden are overweight. The study also found that […]

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