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Junk Food During Pregnancy Affects Child

March 22, 2013


Mom’s junk food diet during pregnancy can turn her child into a junk food junkie, according to a new study published in The FASEB Journal.  The findings suggest that pregnant women who eat junk food actually cause changes in the development of the opioid signaling pathway in the brains of their unborn children. This leads […]

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Self-Control May Improve with Practice

March 16, 2013


It may be possible to strengthen and improve your self-control – and lose more weight – according to a new study by researchers at The Miriam Hospital’s Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center.  The research was the first to examine whether practicing acts of self-control during weight loss is linked to an increase in self-control […]

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DNA Affects Our Response to Fast Food

March 4, 2013


The combination of high-calorie diets and sedentary lifestyles has been considered the most significant environmental factor contributing to today’s obesity epidemic.  However, new research from UCLA suggests that the ways our bodies respond to high-fat and high sugar foods are strongly inherited. The study found that there is a strong link between DNA and the […]

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Obese Drivers More Likely to Die in Car Crash

February 26, 2013


Far from a simple cosmetic concern, obesity is a condition with significant health consequences. It is known that obesity can increase the risk of coronary artery disease, diabetes, certain cancers, and strokes – but a new study fron the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration may add ‘death in a car accident’ to that list.  This […]

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Excess Weight in Childhood & Immediate Health Problems

February 19, 2013


Most of the research on childhood obesity has shown that carrying excess weight in childhood increases the risk of health problems later in life. Adding to these concerns is a new study which found the health problems of obesity may in fact be more immediate. Researchers at UCLA reported that obese children are at almost […]

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The Risk of a Pear-Shaped Body

February 14, 2013


For years, medical research has suggested that having an apple-shaped figure or “beer belly” is more of a health risk than having a pear-shaped body (carrying more weight in the hips, buttocks, and thighs).  An apple-shaped body is considered unhealthy because it has more fat stored around vital organs, a risk factor for diseases such […]

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Are Doctors Addressing Weight with Patients?

February 4, 2013


With doctors consistently ranking as one of the most trusted groups of professionals in the country, what message does it send when many of those doctors do not address excess weight with their obese patients? Two recent studies suggest that there is room for significant improvements in doctors addressing weight with their patients: both parents […]

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Significant Gender/Obesity Imbalance in Tunisia

February 1, 2013


In Tunisia, the smallest country in North Africa, one out of four inhabitants over the age of 35 is obese — translating to nearly a million people.  Tunisian women of this age group are much more affected, with nearly 40 percent suffering from obesity, compared to less than 15 percent of the men. Obesity is […]

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Saturated Fats Tied to Low Sperm Count

January 27, 2013


A new study has connected higher consumption of saturated fat with lower sperm concentration and sperm count in young Danish men.  Through analyzing the diets and semen samples of about 700 military recruits with an average age of 20, researchers from Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen determined that those who consumed the most saturated fats had a […]

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Overweight Pregnant Women Not Getting Good Advice

January 20, 2013


With so many people struggling with their weight, the issue gets even more challenging when those people do not receive the appropriate guidance from their health care provider. This may be happening at a time when women are particularly vulnerable to gaining too much weight. A recent

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